Mooring Rental

  • $50 per night to stay in NYC. Fuggetaboutit!

  • 50% deposit.

  • Pool, showers, launch service all included.

  • You may book a mooring with us using this form as long as your boat is under 42 feet and a monohull. For all others, please contact us.

  • Please be aware that at dead low tide, the inlet to Sheephead Bay can reach 6 ft. Choose your entry time wisely.

  • Check-in is any time you like after 8 AM. Check-out is the following day at 8 AM. We require a deposit that is refundable for cancellations with 24 hours notice. No-shows without cancellation are not refunded. Hard-luck stories will be considered.

  • For long term stays, you can choose “Select and make recurring” with “Repeat Daily” and the number of days you would like to stay. Then click “See Availability”. If all the days are available, click “Add Appointments” If your stay is longer than 24 days, you will have to select a second “start” day. I agree, it is annoying…