Outside Bathroom Building Jobs

  1. Clean out 3rd & 2nd floor rooms

  2. Get a working washer and dryer going on the 2 nd floor

Miscellaneous jobs

  1. Restore the Regatta Committee flag box found in the basement and find a place to display so we can show off some club history.

  2. Collect milk crates and cut wood used for boat stands to fit the crates so that storing the wood is less of a hassle and is neater in the basement.

  3. Paint a large sign that says “Docking for SBYC members only, all others call 68 for permission”. We can mount sign on piling facing south.

  4. Install flag holders on dock pilings as the existing ones are rusty

  5. There is a large club burgee on the third floor, this needs washed so we can find a good place to display it.